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Showing posts from November, 2018

Idea: Blind Debate

It has been a while since I last posted, and I apologise for that. The posts I was working on have turned into some writhing epic mess, exceeding even Wait But Why?  (you should most certainly take a look if you are unfamiliar with the site) standards in length, so I'm currently re-writing them into some semblance of readability. Until then, I've a little game for you to try, to help exercise the little grey cells. I call it the Blind Debate, it only takes an hour, and it goes like this: you and a friend, or two groups if you prefer, have a topic chosen at random for a debate. You both get 15 minutes to do some research and form your side of the debate. Then, 10 minutes a piece for opening statements, 5 minutes each for rebuttal and counterpoint, then 5 minutes each for closing arguments. Naturally, you'll want to take some time afterwards to talk it over a bit more and see where everyone stands, but for the most part it can be done in 60 minutes, which is a great way t...